Tuesday, January 5, 2010

"I like to move it, move it!"

hehehe...thought of my Riley, he likes to sing that song!

I think most people know already but I'm moving! my blog, that is. you can now find me at http://writergirl5786.wordpress.com/

i love wordpress, ps. it's got a great interface and more control. plus it has a blackberry app, and if you know me, you know i love my phone! i know i'm a dork.

so please, read me over there. i really want to write a lot more this year and it'd be nice to know that people are actually reading me :)

i also started a blog just for my fictional writings/stories: http://memoirsfromagirl.wordpress.com/
(get it, memoirs *from* a girl...they are stories from me :) ) so my goal is to be writing a lot more stuff this year.

so i love you all...please subscribe, read, comment, let me know i'm not alone in the wordpress world! (oh and the best part about the wordpress is that I was able to port this whole blog, comments and all, over to wordpress, so none of this will be lost!!) see you there!