"That's not being a wife…It's to be everything your husband is and everything he loves. It's to be the humblest part of him and the noblest…I shall be your tears, your laughter, and your dreams."
--ondine, act 1
--ondine, act 1
so this is what i'm getting myself into! but seriously...when you truly are in love and a part of someone's life like that...you really do feel what they feel and the like. dan and i had a rough week, not relationally but just situationaly. it wasn't fun. i'm glad the week has moved on and that this monday is not nearly as rough as last. but this week...we've shared the tears, and the laughs and the dreams of our future. and i'm glad.
glad that i have someone like that in my life. glad that i get to share my life with him. glad that i get to have a future with him.
as stressful and emotional as this week should have been, dan and i have had fun. my cousin tim came in to town for the weekend and that was a blast. dan and i left friday afternoon for o'hare and got to spend some time in the car and at the airport with tim. we then came home and played poker with my bro and mom til 2 am! ps...i totally won!! saturday we just relaxed and hung out that night. and sunday my whole family plus tim and dan went in to chicago to drop rob off at loyola and spend the day in the city. it was a blast.
i can't wait til dan and i can go on little day trips of our own...and better yet, get to go home together, not leave each other. i know, i'm impatient but 5 years! come on!

and now it's a new week. new ideas, goals, projects and dreams. we will pull through. we will succeed, with god at the helm who can go wrong! tomorrow morning starts up again with Becoming--yay for holding babies....not so yay for having to register them all and deal with their moms! i've been knitting like crazy! and i'm so excited by my projects. i am making a hooded scarf...kinda like my brown one but simpler (seeing as how i didn't make my brown one!) and i am also making these awesome "cleaves" i found online! i'm so excited and can't wait to be finished so i can start on something new! yeah...i'm a knitting nerd. but i'm okay with it.
i think i shall knit a bit before bed since this comp battery is almost dead. goodnight! and good luck facing the blizzard.
ReplyDeletegotta make this one in time for spring.