Saturday, January 3, 2009

"Tomorrow is always fresh, there are no mistakes in it..."

That's from "Anne of Green Gables." Just a note of'll more than likely see a lot of quotes here. I can't help it. It's a hobby, a love, an obsession of sorts. I adore finding quotes and holding onto them. I collect them from all shows, movies, plays, books, songs, anything really.

I chose this quote for today because it is so true, especially starting out in a new year. There are so many new days, new tomorrows, waiting for the taking. So here I am.

As luck and boredom would have it, at work today I stumbled across some old journals and blogs I used to keep vigorously--sometimes just little notes, sometimes heartfelt books. And I remembered just how much I love to write. And just how much I miss it, and ache for it in a part of my soul I sometimes forget is there. That is sad...and rather ridiculous. I'm 22. Why am I pushing my dreams so far off to the side already? Why am I making sacrifices that I don't need to or have to make yet?

I can still write. Even if it's just little blogs here and there that no one reads. Although, any writer who's a writer longs and desires to write and be read. I'm not gonna lie to you there.

So here I am. I remembered my love and longing to pour out my mind and refreshed an old blogger site. Facebook just didn't seem like the right place. I can't promise intrigue, or even anything interesting. Just my life and thoughts and all of my quotes.

I'm 22 and heading into a brand new year. 2009. Can you believe it? Time really does fly by so fast. There is soo much planned for this year. I'm getting married. Now that's surreal. By this time next year, I will be married. To my best friend. What more could a girl ask for?

So I come to this little blog to write, to keep me sane, to remember.
...even if no one else reads it.

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