Monday, January 5, 2009

"this is such a jonah day..."

oh how i love Anne of Green Gables. I think I may just bust it out...although not counting Anne, I already have a huge stack of books to read. now i just need the time to read them!

today has been a jonah day for sure. lots of tears and tear induced headaches and exhaustion.

we'll be okay. it all will be okay. and i do really believe that. honest. sometimes you just have to let the tears and fear out and then move past it. it's okay to be scared and wonder what the heck God's up to. It's even okay to wrestle with God--like Jonah. As long as you're wrestling and embracing God. And I am...trying to at least...smiles. we'll be okay. I trust His plan much more than my own.

and knitting makes things better too! i love it. even in the midst of all the crap today, i just pulled out my knitting and then was able to let my mind drift to happier thoughts of knits and purls and soft yarns and pretty, fun, funky things I'm creating with my clumsy ripped up little fingers and rusty wrists. think i'll go work on that now...a perfect happy end to a Jonah day...


  1. Hey guess what - yesterday is passed! Woohoo - "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery - today is a gift" - the present! Open it!

    Lots os loving thoughts your way

  2. i pulled anne out with the intention of re-reading them all too. and now im reading literally four other things... but im getting through them! anne is the prize ;-)

  3. kelley?! is that you?! oh i'm so excited! i even figured it out bc i went...who's bday is 916? kelley!!!
